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Upcoming Events
All of our upcoming events will be listed here.

Annual Events
TLC hosts internal events for our staff and individuals each month to offer times of fellowship and support. We also host external community events several times a year to support other organizations and show all that TLC has to offer.
Autism Walk
TLC has been an active participant and support of the Walk for Autism hosted by Autism York for many years. Each year, TLC supports the Autism Expo through individual and staff participation. Join TLC for the Walk for Autism in 2024.
Basket Bingo
A favorite of our individuals and staff alike, TLC hosts a Basket Bingo fundraiser each year. Themed for fun, this event helps raise funds for TLC activities and is open to our individuals, staff, and the community. Join us in Fall 2024 for Basket Bingo!
Give Local York
Give Local York allows local nonprofits to raise awareness about our organization, reach new donors, and enhance every dollar donated with bonus funds. Through participation in Give Local York, TLC is able to raise funds for special projects not necessarily funded through daily operations. In 2023, TLC was able to raise funds for a sensory room at our York Day Options location. Join TLC the first Friday in May each year for this event.
Trunk or Treat
A new event, TLC is thrilled to host a Trunk or Treat the third Monday in October for our individuals and community at our 555 Ryan Run Road location. Click here to see photos of last year's event.
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