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Learn about intellectual and developmental disabilities with our guide to finding the right support and care for you and your loved ones.
Billy's Journey to Independence: Finding a Home Away From Home
A mother and her son found a new world of opportunities with Typical Life Corporation, which empowers him to embrace daily activities with enthusiasm while fostering his independence and joy.
IDDs, Waivers, Support

Intellectual Disability starts any time before a child turns 18 and is characterized by differences with both intellectual functioning or intelligence (including the ability to learn, reason, problem solve, etc.) and adaptive behavior (including everyday social and life skills).
According to the National Institutes of Health, the term ‘Developmental Disabilities’ is much broader, and can be more inclusive of lifelong challenges that exist to be either intellectual, physical, or sometimes, both.
IDD is often used as a term to describe situations where intellectual disability and other disabilities are present.
Examples could include Autism spectrum disorder, behavior disorders, TBI, downs syndrome, or cerebral palsy. It is estimated that approximately 6.5 million people in the U.S. have an IDD.
The Pennsylvania Consolidated Waiver is designed to help individuals with an intellectual disability, autism, or developmental disability to live more independently in their homes and communities and to provide a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
Caring for our individuals with IDD is truly a collaborative effort. Case Management for the individuals in our programs is provided by the York/Adams County MH-IDD office through Supports Coordinators. These ‘SC’s provide a partnership with providers like Typical Life Corporation to ensure individuals receive all the benefits which an individual may need. They are also integral in ensuring that proper waiver services are put into place.
If you have a family member who is interested in a consolidated waiver should contact their county supports coordinator and talk about what kinds of support and services will best suit your loved one. They will provide you with an application for Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver program. Once your family member has been approved the support coordinator will work with you to find the services that will be able to provide the best care possible to your loved one.
Referral and Admission Process

Referrals are done through the Supports Coordination Unit of York County MH/IDD. The individual must have a consolidated waiver. When a referral is made to TLC, there is an process of meeting with the individual, family, and Supports Coordinator to determine the best possible living arrangement in a TLC home.
18- end of life.
There is currently a waiting list for both our Residential and Day Options programs. Please ask your Supports’ Coordinator to contact us.
Supports’ Coordinators are asked to send a copy of the ISP to the appropriate Director of Program.
Tours may be set up with the Director of Day Programs at (717) 818-8245.
Services and Opportunities

Individuals are provided all opportunities for them to live an everyday life. This includes skill development, recreation, and activities that promote independence and integration into their community.
These supports are for individuals living in their home. The supports are to work on specific goals to increase independence and community integration while still living in their family home.
OVR is a specific service to provide vocational rehabilitative services to help persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain or maintain employment and independence. They include job coaching and supportive employment and other services to prepare for and engage in meaningful employment.
– Day Programs
– Residential Services
– Home and Community
– Support Employment Program
Operational and Staff Info

As a Direct Support Professional, you will be working in a variety of settings: coaching individuals at their jobs and working with them in their home or day program. Work is in both the community and program setting.
Staff receive extensive training in the support and services that individuals need and want. This includes 2 weeks of orientation and additional training throughout the year on areas of IDD, Autism and mental health. Additional training on supporting medical needs is also provided.
8:30 am – 3:30pm Monday- Friday. We’re closed for major holidays.
We have multiple locations throughout York and Adams County. Our York Day Options program is located off Rt. 30 in York, and our Administrative offices are located on Ryan Run Rd.
Glossary of Helpful Terms

- ADA (American with Disabilities Act): Enacted in 1990, the premier civil rights law supporting equal access in all areas of life for people with disabilities
- ADL: Activities of Daily Living
- ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder
- CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services): The US federal agency that works with state governments to manage the Medicare program, and administer Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance program
- DD/IDD (Developmental Disability/Intellectual and Developmental Disability): A diverse group of chronic conditions that are due to mental or physical impairments that arise before adulthood and can be persistent for the lifespan / A disability characterized by significant impacts in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills
- DSP (Direct Support Professional): A professional who supports a person with an intellectual or developmental disability
- Dually Diagnosed: Having more than 1 diagnosis
- HCBS (Home and Community Based Services): Provides opportunities for Medicaid beneficiaries to receive services in their own home or community rather than institutions or other isolated settings
- HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996): Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act– National standards to protect an individual’s medical records and other personal health information
- NADSP (National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals): Organization that provides DSP training and credentialing
- ISP (Individual Support Plan): Annual planning document for individuals receiving federal funded services
- ODP (Office of Developmental Programs): PA entity responsible for oversight of programs for individuals with developmental disabilities
- DSP (Direct Support Professional): A professional who supports a person with an intellectual or developmental disability
- PAR: Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disability
- P/FDS (Person and Family Directed Support Waiver): A type of funding
- SC: Supports Coordinator
Government Agencies
- The Gold Book: Understanding the Office of Developmental Programs PDF
- Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
- Office of Developmental Programs
- York County Human Services
- Adams County Human Services
- National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals
- Pa. Advocacy and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disability
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